Tuesday 30 August 2011

Born to be round: pearlscale goldfish

What's cuter than a sweet little goldfish? A sweet, round little goldfish. I shall introduce you to a particular variety that is born to have a "golf ball" appearance, the pearlscale:

Cute little thing, huh? Due to their body shape, they tend to be slow swimmers and tend to be best kept with other "fancy" varieties of goldfish, so that competition for food is equal. Their name, as you might be able to guess, comes from the round white covering on top of each of their scales.

Pearlscale with telescopic eyes
"I shouldn't have eaten the whole tub of flakes."
"Can't... get up..."

Love them :)

Thursday 11 August 2011

Fat little birds looking moody special

I'm back... and this time I have a very specific gallery of images to show you: fat little birds looking especially moody. Don't believe I can create a whole post on such a niche topic? Well, here...

Hummingbird (image credit: John Wise)

A little owl (image credit: Mike Watson)

There, I proved you wrong, didn't I? Who knew there were so many moody little birds. Maybe they're tired of being called cute.

I'm afraid I don't know the species of the birds that aren't captioned, but feel free to enlighten me...